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Myofascial Release is an effective hands on form of therapy which creates change in the body with gentle sustained pressure called the pizoelectric effect for 5 minutes or longer. Fascia is a three dimensional web of tissue surrounding every organ, nerve, muscle, blood vessel, and bone. It infuses with these vital structures to help support and protect them as well as create space for nerves and fluids to pass. Myofascial Release engages the restrictions of the body with a gentle and moderate to firm sustained pressure depending on the patient's needs, resulting in a deep unwinding process.


Sports injuries at any age can regain function and movement and benefit from this work. It is a gentle non-injurious form of therapy.


With traditional massage therapy, only the elasto-muscular component of the muscle tissue is engaged and temporarily stretched. Myofascial Release is the missing link to our pain puzzle. By engaging the three dimensional collagenous barrier and reducing the viscosity of the gel-like ground substance component of the fascia, we are able to elongate the tissues and lessen the pressure on pain-sensitive structures like joints and nerves.  Once we are able to successfully engage for a sustained amount of time, positive changes can take place and our own natural healing mechanisms take over and are long lasting! As we move through our lives and injuries occur, fascia develops restrictions. It is an embryological and very dynamic tissue undergoing constant change and tends to reorganize along the lines of tension imposed upon it.

Please view this YouTube video composed by my good friend and colleague, Richard Harty, PT, to better understand the components and workings of fascia in your body as you heal. It’s “fascia”nating.

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